One Casey City of Casey

Make sure germs don't jump in the pool with you!

May 28, 2018

A 2014 survey conducted by the Department of Health and Human Services found that only 31% of pool attendees shower with soap before getting into the pool. This is a troubling figure because showering before swimming is a really simple and effective way to help protect fellow swimmers against illness while also assisting in keeping our pools clean.

If patrons aren’t showering before entering the pool then all of the oils, lotions and trace amounts of urine and faeces that cover our bodies are then brought into the pool. Did you know that the average adult has approximately 0.14 grams of poo on their body that can easily wash off into the water?

While chlorine is effective at killing bacteria and microbes, this doesn’t happen immediately and some parasites like Cryptosporidium that are transported via poo are chlorine resistant and can survive in the pool for several days. Chlorine can also become less effective if the pool water is contaminated with oils, lotions, urine and other substances.

So do your bit to make the pools a cleaner, safer place for everyone and shower with soap before you enter the pool!

Department of health link -

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